Thursday, March 26, 2009

8 weeks

I probably should have moved my fingers out of the way so the number is actually visible, but I'll try harder next time. My mid-section is growing at a very rapid pace which is mostly due to the progesterone supplements and the fact that I'm hungry every 1.5 hours. At this point I'm not too concerned about the weight, but under different circumstances I may feel more inclined to make it to the gym to save myself the challenge of removing "baby fat" later. My pregnancy with Jace followed a similar rapid weight gain pattern and then slowed considerably around month 7.

Pregnancy updates:
  • No morning sickness yet! I do feel slightly queasy occasionally if I don't eat something as soon as my feet hit the floor. I'm thankful I haven't spent time hugging the toilet though.
  • No real cravings unless I see a TV advertisement for food or a hamburger starring me down on a restaurant window.
  • Up every morning between 4 or 5 to urinate, so if you're up and need to talk...I'm the one!
  • Nap time has been re-visited often for Jace and I.
We're still so thankful to know everything is going well so far and we are grateful for all our friends and family who check up on us and try to save our sanity.
We have another ultrasound on Monday (March 30) to check for Downs syndrome so we may not discover much about the development of the baby, but we look forward to seeing if everything still seems to be progressing well.
We'll keep everyone updated!

1 comment:

KelsinaterB said...

Time for another update! I love seeing your belly grow!