Thursday, March 20, 2008

Just checking in...

I'm finally feeling better! I think I started to feel "normal" again about a week ago. I was starting to wonder if I was ever going to feel well again after being ill for so long. I had a head scan Friday and will know the results this Thursday. I'm sure everything will be fine, but it will be interesting to see the results.

So, I'm sure this won't be our month to conceive either. That means we won't be welcoming a baby in 2008! :( I'm a little sad about that...okay, maybe a lot sad! I just wish this wasn't taking so long. I'm not getting any younger!

I probably won't have anything to post until next month so check back later!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Sick and tired!

This week has been absolutely horrible and I'm tired of feeling sick. I started feeling a little sick on Wednesday, nothing too bad though. Thursday morning I woke up and felt a little "off" and ended up passing out and hitting the dining room table. Will, Jace and I spent the better half of a day in the ER. Thank goodness they didn't find anything wrong with me but that doesn't make me feel confident that it won't happen again either. After leaving the ER I was instructed to go to an Internal Medicine Clinic to have a Holter monitor placed to wear for the next 12-24 hours. The results of that were fine too! Saturday I had one more slight fainting episode resulting in me lying on the tile bathroom floor leaving me with a minor bruise to my chin and cheek. So, I'm still sick and feel awful! My whole body just feels exhausted! I want to feel better so badly since I should be ovulating in 5 days or so. I know if I don't get well soon this month will be another failure!