Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Sick and tired!

This week has been absolutely horrible and I'm tired of feeling sick. I started feeling a little sick on Wednesday, nothing too bad though. Thursday morning I woke up and felt a little "off" and ended up passing out and hitting the dining room table. Will, Jace and I spent the better half of a day in the ER. Thank goodness they didn't find anything wrong with me but that doesn't make me feel confident that it won't happen again either. After leaving the ER I was instructed to go to an Internal Medicine Clinic to have a Holter monitor placed to wear for the next 12-24 hours. The results of that were fine too! Saturday I had one more slight fainting episode resulting in me lying on the tile bathroom floor leaving me with a minor bruise to my chin and cheek. So, I'm still sick and feel awful! My whole body just feels exhausted! I want to feel better so badly since I should be ovulating in 5 days or so. I know if I don't get well soon this month will be another failure!

1 comment:

The Brights said...

oh my goodness...I hope you are feeling better! Sounds crazy....is this from progesterone or illness?