Friday, February 15, 2008

The TWW!

Secondary infertility is not something I ever imagined we would be experiencing after such a wonderful pregnancy with Jace. But we're here and now the journey begins...

Alright, the two week wait (TWW) is where we are now. That would be the period of time from ovulation until my next period should start. The TWW is more like torture than a wait. I will spend the next two weeks obsessing over every little twinge, cramp or weird sensation until I give into my urge to finally pee on a stick to see if I may a little bit pregnant (as if there is such a thing). This method never seems to work out in my favor, but I hope soon it will.

We are not currently using any fertility drugs and I hope we won't have a need to. We were taking progesterone supplements for a few months. The side effects are awful though so we stopped for a while. I gained about 8 pounds after I started taking them and this paired with a brief feeling of intoxication after taking the pill wasn't working out well for me. I have a blood draw planned for Monday to see how my progesterone level is without the medication if this turns out well I may not need to take the medication.

I really hope this blog will be short lived and we can soon report that we are pregnant again! I want nothing more than to have one more chance at creating a child and when that happens I will be the most ridiculous pregnant woman to walk the earth. This journey has taught me that you can't expect something to happen just because you want it to. Being the control freak that I am, this is a difficult lesson for me to learn. I hope you'll enjoy following me through this and sharing in my happiness in the end!


The Lees Family said...

You are a very brave and wonderful person, I am here to support you if you need!

The Brights said...

You rock! I too think you are very brave.
A friend of mine also took Progesterone and felt drunk as well. Hopefully you don't have to go back on it.