Friday, May 30, 2008

We tried!

I can say we honestly tried to make it work this month but our attempts failed. I was so busy with my friends wedding that I only gave into my pee on a stick urge once. It was 4 days prior to the expected arrival of my period but said negative and that was enough for me to let myself enjoy a few drinks. So now onto next month!


I'm always looking for some sort of sign that this will be THE month. It doesn't work out obviously but here I go anyway. So, I started this cycle on May 27th and IF I can get pregnant this month I would be due the same time as Jace's birthday. We'll give it all we have again and see if it works!

A friend of mine once asked why I was hoping to get pregnant knowing that my due date would be shared with some other important event. I guess it just gives me some sort of hope that it will happen and it would be that much more special. Of course having a baby on any day of the year would be special but for some reason I just look forward and think that just because it's Jace's birthday (or any other event I can think of) I'm more likely to have it happen. I don't know! One day I'll stop being crazy...maybe.

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