(I think I look a little smaller in this photo than previous photos, but I think it's just the shirt I have on.)
Still hanging in there!
This pregnancy seems to have gone by so quickly. I know I'm huge and slightly uncomfortable, but I wish I could keep her in there a little longer. Will and I cannot wait to meet her though. We are anxious to see what having another child will be like. J will have quite an adjustment period, I'm sure, but I think he is going to be a wonderful big brother. He is always telling me all these nice things he is going to do for her when she arrives. We just can't wait!
-At our last OB appointment I mentioned to my midwife that I thought it was odd that I could actually feel her against by skin when I'm lying down. This is not something I felt with J. It just seems like there should be more "cushioning" between her and my skin. Anyway, I asked how we could tell if my amniotic fluid was low. She suggested we do a quick ultrasound to rule that possibility out. It turns out the amniotic fluid is on the lower side of normal so we will get to check the fluid again at 36 weeks. I'm not sure if the amniotic fluid is contributing to my ability to feel her against my skin, but at least we discovered it and can keep an eye on it.
-We did pregnancy photos on Monday and should be receiving the disc of photos this week. I'm anxious to see and share them. Hopefully there will be some I feel comfortable posting.
-Her room is still not completed, but we hope soon! I have packed J and the baby's hospital bag and am almost finished with the bag for Will and I though.
We really are starting to feel like we don't have much time left to complete all the things that need to be done for her arrival. It's hard to believe that we have known she is coming for 8 months or so and still have so much to do. I sort of think this can be contributed to this not being our first child. We were already finished with everything by this point when we were expecting J. I guess we must feel somewhat confident that we have all the necessities ready and the rest will fall in to place. She will be coming whether we are ready or not!
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