Halfway there! We are thrilled to be at this point in the pregnancy and know that we only have 20 more weeks (give or take a little) before we can meet our new baby.
I continue to grow at a rather alarming rate. On average, I have gained about a pound a week (I'll let you do the math). I wish the reality was different, but given our previous losses and to save my sanity, I stopped going to the gym when I found out I was pregnant. I can only hope the weight gain slows as it did with my first pregnancy, but I'm not holding my breath. The gym will still be there after she is born.
We discovered with our ultrasound that the placenta is anterior which would explain why I was not able to feel much movement. It must be moving up a little now as I have been able to feel some movement really low on my abdomen. It's so nice to be able to feel her little movements and know she is making herself comfortable in there. She really moves a lot! She kicked or punched hard enough yesterday that I was able to feel it against the outside of my abdomen. Of course she stopped when Will tried to feel it. That seems to be how it always works out.
I'm sure the next few months will fly by especially since I'll be occupied with a couple classes through the summer and J is done with preschool until fall. This will be our last summer as a family of three so we plan to make the most of our time together!
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