This appointment was one that was rescheduled from a few weeks ago. We had a nuchal translucency evaluation done and everything appears to be fine. They baby was less than cooperative for the ultrasound tech though. While waiting for a good view, we were able to see the baby flipping all over the place and doing head stands. It was amazing!
It may have finally hit me yesterday after our appointment, that we are in fact having another baby. I've been so guarded that I was having a difficult time accepting the idea of having a healthy pregnancy. I really should stop worrying, but that is much easier said than done. We know everything is going well this far and that is good enough for us. We can only hope and pray that it will continue to go well and we will be welcoming a new addition this fall.
*For those of you having trouble making out the first image...it is a view from the top of the head of the baby's arm.*
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