We can't wait for another opportunity to make sure our baby is growing and healthy and, of course, maybe have a chance to find out what gender we are expecting.
We are all anxious to know and prepared either way! Our ultrasound is not scheduled yet but should hopefully take place in about 4 weeks. We are praying that everything still looks great with the baby and hoping for a sneak peek at the gender. Check out the poll on our site and take a guess!
Stopped Prometrium a week ago and freaked out a little but I am feeling better now. The first few days after stopping it, I was getting lightheaded easily which alarms me due to my fainting history. I was also feeling more nauseous than normal. I seem to be doing better now though.
Still no fetal movement and I just wish I didn't have to wait any longer.
Still feeling tired, but as the nurse at my midwife's office reminded me, I am chasing around a 4 year old who isn't taking naps any longer and likes to stay up late and wake up early. Good training for my sleep deprivation though! ;)
Lastly, Will and I do not have a gender preference but I am so anxious to know what we are baking. Hopefully only 3-5 weeks until we find out!
After having one happy and healthy child we experienced two miscarriages. Now we are on a mission to have the chance to experience pregnancy again and welcome another healthy child into our family. Join me as I navigate through secondary infertility.